Jeu terminé ! Alors point positif le jeu es fluide, plutôt visible et très punitif, ces ce qui donnera du sens a votre jeu la plus part des mécanique sont présente peut être a la rigueur ajouter des " technique " utilisable un nombre de fois limités, vu que ce jeu sera un boss rush ce genre de petite chose pourrais grandement aider les débutant du genre, point négatif, pollution visuel pour chaque counter / damage taken, lescaling du healing et le scaling des dégâts sur le nombre de coup utilisé ou soin prodigué et une mauvaise idée car cela peut ( au personne les plus habitué a ce genre de jeu ) vite être quelque chose de très abusé en exemple sur la phase 1 sans mourir nous pouvons atteindre le +5 de dégâts, quelque chose de très fort, et pour les plus aguerries la p2 offre un scaling esquive / healing infinie, prendre une boulle de feu counter les 6 autre pour ensuite ce heal sur la période off du boss donne trop de facilité au jeu. Donné des upgrade a chaque fin de boss et a chaque mort pourrais remplacer cette initiative tous en gardant une certaine difficulté. Peut être rajouter une upgrade de pv max, car que tu soit a ta 9 -ème mort ou a la 3 -ème même avec des stats monté tu meurt en 2 coup ( actuellement terminé le jeu avec uniquement 1 mort a mon actif ( après 5 try x10 bien sur mais des upgrade en atk 5 healing 4 esquive 2 a ma première mort ) .Le jeu a une bonne DA juste peut être rajouté une texture blanc cassé sur la neige car avec le fond par moment on ce prend des aveuglement car trop de texture blanche présente, rajouté également d'autre animation de combats, le personnage faisant toujours les même coup il faudrait changer un peut la forme / l'angle cela ne ferait pas de mal. De plus je trouve le jeu plutôt sympathique pour une phase de bêta je suivrais le développement des prochaine mise a jours et prochain test avec plaisir ! Continué sur ce chemin Vous faîte du bon travail !
Comment English
Game is over ! So positive point the game is fluid, rather visible and very punitive, these which will give meaning to your game most of the mechanics are present can be at the pinch add "technique" usable a limited number of times, since this game will be a rush boss this kind of little thing could greatly help beginners of the genre, negative point, visual pollution for each counter / damage taken, scaling of healing and scaling of damage on the number of shots used or care provided and bad idea because it can (to the person most accustomed to this kind of game) quickly be something very abused in example on phase 1 without dying we can reach +5 damage, something very strong, and for the most seasoned the p2 offers an infinite dodge / healing scaling, taking a ball of fire counters the other 6 for then this heal on the off period of the boss makes the game too easy. Given upgrades at each end of boss and at each death could replace this initiative all while keeping some difficulty. Maybe add a max pv upgrade, because whether you are at your 9th death or at the 3rd even with mounted stats you die in 2 shots (currently finished the game with only 1 death to my credit (after 5 try x10 of course but upgrades in atk 5 healing 4 dodge 2 on my first death). of white texture present, also added other combat animation, the character always doing the same blow it would be necessary to change a little the shape / the angle it would not hurt. Moreover I find the game rather sympathetic for a phase from beta I will follow the development of the next update and next test with pleasure!Continued on this path You are doing a good job!
Disclaimer : This comment review is subject to change with futures updates :)
First of all, this project has a really unique gameplay and great visuals and it must be noted. I am able to go to the second phase of the boss again, after (of course) multiple failed attempts.
I don't know if this version is an earlier prototype of what was shown in your booth at the Geekali, because multiple elements seems to have changed. Notably how to approch certain boss' attacks.
In all cases, I find it quite interesting to dash more often, which offers a "larger" panel of gameplay than just parrying perfectly every attack.
Thinking of newbie players that launches the game for the first time, even though this is only a prototype, adding some text boxes that explains gameplay such as :
How does the level up of attack, meditation (healing) and stamina/dash works
Controls (even though it is marked on this itch page, I learned that people rarely read here lol)
I know that the goal is to be as minimalistic as possible and never take the player by the hand, but meh...
Even better, this bridge sequence could be used as a diagetic tutorial for attacking (by road-blocking with destroyable crates). You could even use an NPC, like a crow (to justify the flying camera angles) to explain everything making it much more enjoyable!
On another topic, using the mouse on the main menu is borderline impossible. You could either make the player able to use only the keyboard (up and down key to cycle buttons and space to select) or detect the mouse and display a cool cursor, both would be great.
An optional (and I insist on optional, because this not your vision on the game) signal/marker to know WHEN to parry and/or IF you can parry would be great. I had this impression while playing that some attacks where impossible to parry. A great indicator in Mortal Shell display a red glow in the back of player to indicate that the attack is impossible to parry and need to be dodged.
I also find that the parry, one of the key points of your game, needs to be rewarded more. You already recieve a big punishment when failing, which is a good thing to do, but I recieve nothing by parrying. Making the enemy staggered for even a short half to a second duration would be more than enough to offset this feeling.
One attack of the boss, the "dash", is one of the hardest to overcome but is pretty satisfying to parry. However, I see that there is a small animation where it feels disoriented and I thought of something. Maybe (4-6) rocks could fall on the battleground in a circle manner, that the player could hide behind to counter before being forced to learn to parry the attack if they want to win. The rocks are, of course, destroyed everytime and damage the boss only really slightly. They would be only a temporary solution to the player's cowardness.
The player's health bar and stats should be in the bottom-left, and the boss bar should be top centered in my opinion.
That is all for now! I will greatly appreciate a job as game designer :p jkjk
I know this is only a prototype, but seeing some of these ideas would benefit greatly the game's accessibility and fun factor.
(Désolé d'avoir écrit un gros pavé ET EN ANGLAIS, mais bon, bonne continuation !)
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Commentaire français:
Jeu terminé ! Alors point positif le jeu es fluide, plutôt visible et très punitif, ces ce qui donnera du sens a votre jeu la plus part des mécanique sont présente peut être a la rigueur ajouter des " technique " utilisable un nombre de fois limités, vu que ce jeu sera un boss rush ce genre de petite chose pourrais grandement aider les débutant du genre, point négatif, pollution visuel pour chaque counter / damage taken, lescaling du healing et le scaling des dégâts sur le nombre de coup utilisé ou soin prodigué et une mauvaise idée car cela peut ( au personne les plus habitué a ce genre de jeu ) vite être quelque chose de très abusé en exemple sur la phase 1 sans mourir nous pouvons atteindre le +5 de dégâts, quelque chose de très fort, et pour les plus aguerries la p2 offre un scaling esquive / healing infinie, prendre une boulle de feu counter les 6 autre pour ensuite ce heal sur la période off du boss donne trop de facilité au jeu. Donné des upgrade a chaque fin de boss et a chaque mort pourrais remplacer cette initiative tous en gardant une certaine difficulté. Peut être rajouter une upgrade de pv max, car que tu soit a ta 9 -ème mort ou a la 3 -ème même avec des stats monté tu meurt en 2 coup ( actuellement terminé le jeu avec uniquement 1 mort a mon actif ( après 5 try x10 bien sur mais des upgrade en atk 5 healing 4 esquive 2 a ma première mort ) .Le jeu a une bonne DA juste peut être rajouté une texture blanc cassé sur la neige car avec le fond par moment on ce prend des aveuglement car trop de texture blanche présente, rajouté également d'autre animation de combats, le personnage faisant toujours les même coup il faudrait changer un peut la forme / l'angle cela ne ferait pas de mal. De plus je trouve le jeu plutôt sympathique pour une phase de bêta je suivrais le développement des prochaine mise a jours et prochain test avec plaisir ! Continué sur ce chemin Vous faîte du bon travail !
Comment English
Game is over ! So positive point the game is fluid, rather visible and very punitive, these which will give meaning to your game most of the mechanics are present can be at the pinch add "technique" usable a limited number of times, since this game will be a rush boss this kind of little thing could greatly help beginners of the genre, negative point, visual pollution for each counter / damage taken, scaling of healing and scaling of damage on the number of shots used or care provided and bad idea because it can (to the person most accustomed to this kind of game) quickly be something very abused in example on phase 1 without dying we can reach +5 damage, something very strong, and for the most seasoned the p2 offers an infinite dodge / healing scaling, taking a ball of fire counters the other 6 for then this heal on the off period of the boss makes the game too easy. Given upgrades at each end of boss and at each death could replace this initiative all while keeping some difficulty. Maybe add a max pv upgrade, because whether you are at your 9th death or at the 3rd even with mounted stats you die in 2 shots (currently finished the game with only 1 death to my credit (after 5 try x10 of course but upgrades in atk 5 healing 4 dodge 2 on my first death). of white texture present, also added other combat animation, the character always doing the same blow it would be necessary to change a little the shape / the angle it would not hurt. Moreover I find the game rather sympathetic for a phase from beta I will follow the development of the next update and next test with pleasure!Continued on this path You are doing a good job!
Hello to the Dark Stain's team !
Disclaimer : This comment review is subject to change with futures updates :)
First of all, this project has a really unique gameplay and great visuals and it must be noted. I am able to go to the second phase of the boss again, after (of course) multiple failed attempts.
I don't know if this version is an earlier prototype of what was shown in your booth at the Geekali, because multiple elements seems to have changed. Notably how to approch certain boss' attacks.
In all cases, I find it quite interesting to dash more often, which offers a "larger" panel of gameplay than just parrying perfectly every attack.
Thinking of newbie players that launches the game for the first time, even though this is only a prototype, adding some text boxes that explains gameplay such as :
I know that the goal is to be as minimalistic as possible and never take the player by the hand, but meh...
Even better, this bridge sequence could be used as a diagetic tutorial for attacking (by road-blocking with destroyable crates). You could even use an NPC, like a crow (to justify the flying camera angles) to explain everything making it much more enjoyable!
On another topic, using the mouse on the main menu is borderline impossible. You could either make the player able to use only the keyboard (up and down key to cycle buttons and space to select) or detect the mouse and display a cool cursor, both would be great.
An optional (and I insist on optional, because this not your vision on the game) signal/marker to know WHEN to parry and/or IF you can parry would be great. I had this impression while playing that some attacks where impossible to parry. A great indicator in Mortal Shell display a red glow in the back of player to indicate that the attack is impossible to parry and need to be dodged.
I also find that the parry, one of the key points of your game, needs to be rewarded more. You already recieve a big punishment when failing, which is a good thing to do, but I recieve nothing by parrying. Making the enemy staggered for even a short half to a second duration would be more than enough to offset this feeling.
One attack of the boss, the "dash", is one of the hardest to overcome but is pretty satisfying to parry. However, I see that there is a small animation where it feels disoriented and I thought of something. Maybe (4-6) rocks could fall on the battleground in a circle manner, that the player could hide behind to counter before being forced to learn to parry the attack if they want to win. The rocks are, of course, destroyed everytime and damage the boss only really slightly. They would be only a temporary solution to the player's cowardness.
The player's health bar and stats should be in the bottom-left, and the boss bar should be top centered in my opinion.
That is all for now! I will greatly appreciate a job as game designer :p jkjk
I know this is only a prototype, but seeing some of these ideas would benefit greatly the game's accessibility and fun factor.
(Désolé d'avoir écrit un gros pavé ET EN ANGLAIS, mais bon, bonne continuation !)
-Le menu principâl faut appuyer une fois sur entrer pour pouvoir naviguer dedans .
-Mort a l'introduction car les commande répond pas parfaitement au diagonal de la manette
Point negative:
-Le stun est la quand ta un mauvais timing, c'est punitive, mais la c'est ultra punitive. la mort est presque instantané
-enchainé les blocage manque parfait de récompense, genre un ralentissement qui permet d'enchainé une série de coup .
Point positive:
-C'est vachement cool la D-A
-enchainé les blockage parfait est asser satisfesant...
Point a ameliorer:
-Un saut pourais rajouté du challenge
Peu etre que perte une ressource importante a la place des gros point de vie retro serais plus adapté au gaumeplay des jeux actuel (comme Darksouls).
Mon experiance :
J'ai pas reussi a battre l'ogre des montagne. Je sais pas si je suis nul ou si le timing est trop chaud.
En tous cas continuer comme sa , vous tenez un vrai project!